Project: Blackpool Tramway, Blackpool – 2020 / 2026
- Independent Health & Safety Consultant and CDM Advisor to Blackpool Council

Scope of Work
- Review suite of Work Action Plans or RAMS.
- Review Safety on the Line – Guidance & Procedures
- Liaise with Highways and review Lorry Loader Lift Plans and references to overhead powerlines.
- Identify risk between highway maintenance working and the interface with the tramway.
- Accompany Track Services Inspector during routine Permanent Way inspections re: fault logging, priority work planning, re-inspections etc.
Significant Hazards
- Moving tramcars
- Trip hazards
- Road vehicles crossing tramway
- Pedestrians
- Electrified overhead line
- Construction, highways, and illuminations work at height with MEWPS and Lorry Mounted Cranes.
Project: Cladding Replacement Projects Adjacent to Railway Network – 2017 – 2022
- Principal Designer
- Health & Safety Consultant
- CDM Advisor
- Site Safety Scoping Surveys
- Document Review & Approval
- Site Safety Inspections
- Specialist Advice
- Temporary Works Advisor

Scope of Work
- Cladding and insulation inspection, surveying, removal, and replacement with non- combustible material, in line with the HSE’s Guidance on managing fire risk during cladding and insulation removal and replacement on tall buildings
- Passive fire protection solutions
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Principal Contractor to assure themselves that a signed approved Asset Protection Agreement is in place before commencing any work that may impact upon the operational railway infrastructure
- Principal Contractor to complete BAPA – Basic Asset Protection Agreement – this is an action for the client – NR will only engage with the client for the purposes of Asset Protection Agreement.
- Appointment of RISQS approved and experienced scaffolding contractor.
- Scaffold Design including tie patterns and collapse radius calculations.
- CAT 3 Design Check in accordance with BS5975:2019. CAT 3 Check required for scaffolding works by independent designer in accordance with NR/L2/INI/02009 and must be accompanied with a Form 003, Form 0039 and Designer CV.
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Loss Prevention Standard – LPS 1215 Fire performance of containment net and sheet materials for external use on construction sites. Consider flame retardant shrink wrap at the railway elevation to reduce dust emissions onto the railway network, weather protection, encapsulation, and containment. Ensure this is suitably fixed to the scaffold to prevent material being blown on, over or towards operational rail infrastructure.
- Timetable of specific ‘restricted area’ scaffold erection times. This will be pre-planned with Network Rail and agreed with confirmation of access being provided approximately 6 weeks prior to work.
- Track possession application for co-ordinated scaffold erection and dismantling. Possession and Isolation of the railway will be undertaken by NR, they will provide suitable access opportunities for client/contractor to review. NB – Possession and Isolation lead times are a minimum of 14 weeks.
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Scaffold earth bonding and weekly checks – this is undertaken by Network Rail E&P (Electrification and Plant) Department.
- Submit Safe System of Work for approval, NR (20 working days) and Thomasons (5 working days). In the first instance to PRB Consulting for review and comment at least 6weeks for the planned commencement of works.
- NR Document Review Notice.
- Factor into the scaffold design security restrictions at the boarded lifts adjacent to the railway to deny access from the scaffolding onto the railway and from the railway onto the scaffolding.
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Line speed and therefore the moving air within the slipstream must be factored into design calcs and operational constraints.
- Factor into the Safe System of Work the removal of the tree noted in the photograph above, or pruning of the branches, in accordance with tree protection and preservation protocols and BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction.
- Submit Temporary Works Register.
- Submit Construction Phase Plan.
Project: Plymouth Road Bridge, Blackpool – 2016/2017
- Independent Health & Safety Consultant and CDM Advisor to Blackpool Council

Scope of Work
- Road over rail – existing Plymouth Road Bridge decks are due to be replaced as part of Blackpool Council’s ongoing bridge refurbishment program.
- The scheme will comprise the removal of the existing decks and the installation of new decks. The decks will be supported on a new reinforced concrete bearing shelf cast onto the existing abutments/piers.
Significant Hazards
- Partial Demolition
- Temporary Works
- Heavy Lifting Operations (1000t mobile and 1000t tracked crane)
- Railway Blockades
- Road Closure & Traffic Management
- Services Diversions
- Public Interface
- Night Shifts
- Nosie Abatement
- Work at Height
- Temporary Footbridge
- Designed Scaffolding
Project: Stainmore Railway Company, Kirkby Stephen – 2016
- Principal Designer & CDM Advisor for Thomasons

Scope of Work
- Storm damage replacement of glass roof lantern to engine shed.
Significant Hazards
- Temporary Works
- Netting
- Work at Height
- Fragile Roof
- Glass Removal
- Lead Roof/Glazing Components
- Safe Isolation Procedure
- Asbestos Survey
- Occupied Property
- Adjacent Businesses
Project: Irlam Station Park & Ride, Manchester – 2014
- Construction Safety Consultant for George Cox

Scope of Work
- Irlam Railway Station has designated land to each side of the existing station house, which is currently undergoing a refurbishment and extension.
- This land is to be prepared and reconfigured to accommodate a Park & Ride scheme incorporating 2 new car parks, motorbike parking stands, turning area and pedestrian walkway.
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Liaise with 3rd Party Scheme Project Manager at Network Rail – Asset Protection.
- Provision of suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments in Network Rail format + Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan for approval.
- Main Contractor to complete BAPA – Basic Asset Protection Agreement.
Project: Birkenhead North Park & Ride, Wirral – 2012
- Construction Safety Consultant for George Cox

Scope of Work
- Park & Ride Scheme
- Construction of new car park adjacent to Birkenhead North Station
- Removal of former fencing and erection of new fence and gate access point for park and ride
Essential Safety Checklist re: Railway
- Provision of suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments + Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan for approval.
- Main Contractor to complete BAPA – Basic Asset Protection Agreement.
- Network Rail to deploy Construction Manager during removal of former fencing and bushes/trees, and installation of new security fencing.